Hello, I’m Tom.
I am a DPhil student at the Mathematical Institute, in the University of Oxford. I am a member of the Centre for Topological Data Analysis where I am jointly supervised by Heather Harrington and Ulrike Tillmann.
My academic interests lie predominantly in applied algebraic topology, stochastic topology and machine learning. In my spare time, I’m a keen rock climber, scuba diver and bread baker.

The focus of my research to date is understanding the role that directionality can play in traditional, topological data analysis pipelines. Directed graphs arise naturally in a range of applications; the de facto TDA approach is to ignore the direction of each edge and study the underlying undirected graph. Naturally, this loses a lot of information which might be useful. If you’d like to read more about this work, please have a look at my research page.
I am also an enthusiastic software developer, with a particular interest and professional experience in web development. My blog contains write-ups for some of my more interesting side-projects, alongside articles discussing development tools I like, and my other hobbies. For more recent work and source code, head over to my GitHub.